Rene Gonzalez Architects Toronto Mural

Toronto Bisazza Mural

Intended to accentuate the qualities of water, the Toronto Bisazza Mural creates an image that is both visually intense and expressively calming.

Toronto, Canada

Intended to accentuate the qualities of water, the Toronto Bisazza Mural creates an image that is both visually intense and expressively calming.

Commissioned for a private residence and produced with thousands of multi-colored 10mm Bisazza glass tiles, the mural emerges from beneath the water of the indoor swimming pool and wraps onto the adjacent floor. It continues up the wall and proceeds to fold onto the ceiling. The experience is one of amplification. Bathers sense a continuation of the reflection and sparkle of the water. The mural surrounds the bather and expresses qualities of refraction and infiniteness, much like the water in the pool. While moving through the space, bathers interact with and are enfolded by the fluidity of both the water and the mural.

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